Finally a new segment of Dupe It Yourself! I started this fun series over a year ago where I would find items that I love, but happened to be out of my budget, and recreate them for less.
About a week ago at one of my normal Homegoods runs, I came across a beautiful dusty blue sofa. It was on clearance!!!! I knew I wanted it, the only issue was the legs were just not my style. They were shiny, chrome and modern. I knew the couch was a quality piece and I was determined to make it into my dream couch!

A few years ago I actually changed the couch legs on our sofas that we purchased when we first got married. We still have that couch in our front living room (seen below)! You can buy legs from home depot or amazon for less than $10 a piece and completely makeover your couch to feel more custom and beautiful!

Below is a photo of my inspiration. I love EVERYTHING from Lulu & Georgia! They have a bunch of different wooden based sofas. The sofas below retail for around $3,000! I just KNEW we could make my clearance Homegoods find into a beautiful sofa like this one!

We started by removing the chrome couch legs and adding in corner leg braces. Most sofas you purchase will already have these in place and you will simply unscrew the existing legs and replace with your new ones! I will link the 6″ unfinished, tapered legs that we purchased on Amazon below. Make sure that your twist your legs in so that they are really tight and snug!

The couch already looked so much better! But I really wanted to full Lulu & Georgia look! We decided to use poplar wood for the next part. We ripped them into 1×2’s on the table saw and then held them up in place. We simply traced the angle of the tapered legs onto the 1×2 so we would know where to cut. We used a miter saw for this small angled cut.

Once we had our 4 long pieces of wood, we added a little bit of wood glue to them and slid them into place. Since there is no weight going on these pieces we decided that wood glue would be plenty strong! Let it dry and you are done!! You can stain or finish your wooden sofa base to your liking. I chose to leave mine natural for a coastal feel.

